About Poland

Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, is a Central European country bordered by Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia. With a land area of 312,696 square kilometers, Poland has a temperate seasonal climate. The country offers opportunities for employment and settlement with low unemployment rates and growing salaries, along with a relatively low cost of living. Poland boasts a rich cultural heritage, including historical landmarks, music, literature, and art. Its capital city is Warsaw, known for its vibrant atmosphere and historical significance.

D National Visa Benefits:

  1. Long-Term Stay: The D National Visa allows individuals to stay in Poland for a longer duration, typically exceeding 90 days, making it suitable for individuals planning to work and reside in Poland for an extended period.
  2. Multiple Entries: The D National Visa often allows multiple entries into Poland during its validity period, providing flexibility for individuals to travel in and out of the country.
  3. Residency Rights: Holding a D National Visa may facilitate the process of obtaining a Temporary Residence Card (TRC) in Poland, granting legal residency rights.
  4. Family Reunification: In some cases, individuals holding a D National Visa may be eligible to apply for family reunification, allowing their family members to join them and reside in Poland.
  5. Access to Schengen Area: The D National Visa grants individuals the right to travel within the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within a 180-day period, providing additional travel flexibility within Europe.

Poland Work Permit: Step-by-Step Process and Eligibility

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Education: Minimum educational requirement is typically 10th Grade.
  2. Language Proficiency: No IELTS or language proficiency tests are usually required.
  3. Work Experience: Previous work experience may not be required for certain positions.
  4. Employment Offer: You must have a job offer from a Polish employer.

Step-by-Step Process:

1. Obtain Job Offer:

  • Secure a job offer from a Polish employer who is willing to sponsor your work permit.

2. Employer Applies for Work Permit:

  • Your employer submits a work permit application to the Voivode ship department responsible for foreign workers.

3. Work Permit Issuance:

  • If the application is approved, a work permit is issued by the Voivode ship office.

4. Visa Application:

  • Once the work permit is granted, you need to apply for a National Visa (D-Type) at the closest Polish consulate in your home country.

5. Document Submission:

  • Submit required documents including passport, CV, copies of degree/diploma, and professional references.

6. Visa Interview:

  • Attend an interview at the consulate to verify your application and intentions.

7. Visa Approval:

  • If approved, you will receive your visa allowing you to enter Poland.

8. Residence Card Application:

  • After arrival in Poland, you must apply for a Temporary Residence Card (TRC) within the specified timeframe.

9. TRC Issuance:

  • If your application is successful, you will be issued a Temporary Residence Card allowing you to legally reside and work in Poland.

PROCESSING TIME: Minimum 6 to 12 months